

Color palette, the color scheme for artists

Explore color trends and get inspired from other designers and artists' color palette in Adobe Color community.


探索色彩趨勢,並從Adobe Color 社群中其他設計師和藝術家的調色盤中獲取靈感。

Color palette, the color scheme for artists

Explore color trends and get inspired from other designers and artists' color palette in Adobe Color community.

Adobe Color

使用色輪或影像建立調色盤,或瀏覽Adobe Color 社群中的數千個顏色組合。

Adobe Color

Create color palettes with the color wheel or image, browse thousands of color combinations from the Adobe Color community.

Explore color theme

This color theme consists of Blackout, Camouflage, Fog Beacon, Anti Rainbow Grey and Redwood Forest. It was created with custom harmony.